Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Scrapbook Challenge and Two Results

Creative Scrapbook Magazine offers a scrapbook challenge every month on their Facebook Creative Magazine's Sketchy Group. 
Here's the link:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/2164958267106146/

and the sketch I worked from:

This first layout I created using the Something Fierce papers and complements (current catalog good till April 30th 2019). We have a Dinosaur Valley State Park in Glen Rose, TX. The dinos roamed here and left their foot steps in the mud. The mud in TX can hardened into something like cement (gardening isn't easy in TX). The wonderful thing is your kids can sit in these footprints and you get GREAT pictures. There's a river close by that also has many different dino prints in it. The river is usually shallow and you can walk around seeing all the different types of dinos. It makes for a great day with the kids and wonderful pictures. 

I did a second layout that is a little more grown up (whatever that is). For this one I used one of my favorite color combos, red, white and black. This layout uses the Mix-in papers also from our current catalog.

The little embellishments are from my stash in the Wayback Machine. Not sure what pictures I'll put on this but something will show up.

  1. Something Fierce kit
  2. Mix-in papers
  3. Shimmer Trim black

Mix-in papers

Something Fierce workshop kit

Thank you for stopping by!



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